"Spencer uses only Muslim sources for the facts about Muhammad’s life—the Koran itself, plus the hadiths and other Islamic documents that Muslims themselves accept as reliable. The resulting picture is at once instructive and horrifying."
A new book about Mohammed Prophet of Islam is coming out soon. Here is the advance review by Elizabeth Kantor. Read on.
Robert Spencer outdoes himself in this book—in courage (who else would dare to write a warts-and-all biography of Muhammad?) but also in marshalling solid evidence that the real “root causes” of jihad violence are in Muhammad’s own character and the teachings of the religion he founded. Spencer uses only Muslim sources for the facts about Muhammad’s life—the Koran itself, plus the hadiths and other Islamic documents that Muslims themselves accept as reliable. The resulting picture is at once instructive and horrifying. It’s often said that Islamists are bent on imposing the standards of the 7th Century on the modern world. The Truth about Muhammad actually shows the reader the savage time and place in which Islam emerged. Spencer opens a window on 7th-Century Arabia: the brutality, the superstition, the abuse of women. He shows precisely how both the conditions of Muhammad’s time and the prophet’s own actions continue to shape modern Islam. Did you know that Muslims used to face Jerusalem, not Mecca, to pray?—that is, until the breakdown of an accord between Muhammad and a Jewish group. (The repercussions of that failed agreement are still being felt in Muslim-Jewish relations today.) And were you aware that the requirement of four male witnesses to prove a sex crime comes from a “revelation” Muhammad received, clearing the name of his favorite wife? (Today, up to 75% of the women jailed in Pakistan are there because they’re victims of rape—who are judged to be fornicators and adulteresses because they can’t prove rape by Muhammad’s nearly impossible-to-meet standard.) A similar “revelation of convenience” allowed Muhammad to marry his own daughter-in-law. This book is full of fascinating and informative facts and connections between what happened in the 7th Century and what’s going on in Islam today. The tragic fact is that, for Muslims, religious awe—respect for the majesty and justice of God—is inextricably bound to the savage culture Muhammad came out of, to his own flawed character and to his violent and lust-driven teachings. To defeat the jihadists who want to kill us, we need to understand them. The Truth about Muhammad is an important contribution to that project.
Maldivians will be afraid to read such a book. They will be afraid they will become "kufr" or "murtaddu". They are scared to think for themselves about religion. They are scared of persecution and rightly so.
ReplyDeleteBut if i can find that book, i will read it. I am tired of the nonsense the islamic teachers are saying.
Faarish Ali ( and i am not scared toi give my name) - you can do what you want.I dont care.
It does not make much sense that so many Muslims do not believe in violence and terrorism and still call themselves Muslims if what the author(s?) of this blog are saying is true. IF so many (most?) Muslims believe that Koran does not call for violence and terrorism and US-style resource wars, should not we promote that peaceful version of Islam instead of hate websites like this? Perhaps, you should promote Muslim authors like An’Naim, if you want to promote peace among people?
ReplyDeleteBut, resistance against the US invasion and its despicable policies toward Muslim countries (as towards many other countries) is morally acceptable under even secular grounds.
Robert Pape, who has done the most extensive studies of suicide bombers, says that 'Al Qaeda is today less a product of Islamic fundamentalism than a simple strategic goal: to compel the United States and its Western allies to withdraw combat forces from Arabian Peninsula and other Muslim countries'. A senior CIA analyst responsible for tracking Osama bin Laden from 1996, Michael Scheuer, says 'bin Laden has been precise in telling America the reasons he is waging war on us. [That is] US policies and actions in the Muslim world'. - cited in Noam Chomsky's Failed States. (Chomsky compellingly argues US is a failed state.)
So, given that so many Muslims believe (whatever some concocted interpretation of Koran says) that there is no room for violence in Islam, and given that even these fundamentalist Islamists are today more motivated by the atrocious policies and actions of the US against their lands, your style writings only add to the concocted interpretations of Koran, and do not help (as Bush's War on Terror does not do help) solve terrorism or any alleged problem with Islam. I believe it only increases hate.
A vast majority of Christians are peaceful and peace-loving people. But if one considers the atrocities that the wars of religion and Crusades brought about, which were ‘justified’ on Christian religious grounds, one can say the same about Christianity. But, the important point is an overwhelming number of Christians do not believe in violence like their Muslim counterparts. So, I believe reasonable doctrines can partake in peaceful co-existence.
How can I get hold of this book? I know so many people who want to read it.
ReplyDeleteu guys are seriously fucked up...believin wat these guys say...these ppl are frickin liars...maldivians are so easy to decieved...and i see this is working frm the comments...u are digging ure own graves...
ReplyDeleteanonymous: no, it's just the author of this blog commenting.
ReplyDeletethis is a great book. unfortunately, most maldivians can't speak or read or understand English.. let alone think. what a tragedy. Hooray to Robert Spencer.
ReplyDeleteabu cotton: Crudsades killed not only thousands of innocent Muslims but also thousands of innocent Christians. Check 'A Short History of Christianity'
ReplyDeleteby John M. Robertson. And Crusades were 'justified' on Christian grounds, the same way certain fundamentalist Muslims 'justify' their actions.
As I said in my post above, according to experts in the area, Islamist terrorists are today motivated more by secular reasons than purely religious.
How do you know that your reading and comprehension of Koran are true? Many Muslim scholars' reading and comprehension are totally opposite to yours!
abu cotton: it seems you know even less of Christianity. Christianity is more a phenomenon after Jesus. Jesus in fact was a Jew according to Western non-Muslim views. So what they justified need not be based on what Jesus did, but their twisted interpretations of the holy texts.
ReplyDeleteThere is no red herring there, Mr Cotton. A red herring occurs if I'm not dealing with the point. If you haven't got my point again I repeat. The example of Christian atrocities through their wars of religion and Crasades was to make the point by example: that whatever the followers of a religion do on their religion's name might not be what their religion really says!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you reply to my points?
1)there are Muslim scholars (among them renown people teaching at renown Western universities) who say Koran can be interpreted such that it fully conforms to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this again I mention the works of Abdullahi Ahmed An'Naim, who might also help you to know how the brand of sharia we use today was first interpreted.
2)islamist terrorism is not as much a matter of (twisted) interpretation of the holy texts, as it is of secular strategic goals. For this refer to expert views as cited in Chomsky's Failed States, and mentioned in my previous post. Bush has been deceiving us, because the US does not want to change its Middle Eastern policies. (Also note that Afghan attacks then on Russians stopped when the Russian forces pulled out.)
3)if so many Muslims do not believe in violence and terrorism (whatever the Islamists say), should not we, being interested in a solution, promote their beliefs rather than your style interpretation of the past events?
Mr Cotton: the dominant school of international relations theory still is Realism. If what it says is true, again, you would come to understand that terrorism, although 'justified' on religious grounds through their own brand of interpretation, which is to win the hearts of the Muslim uneducated masses, is due to realistic reasons. One need only to study the Western policies toward the Middle Eastern countries and the politics of the Middle Eastern leaders to know what is happening today. (For obvious reasons I cann't elaborate them here.)
ReplyDeleteBut let me say again, senior CIA analyst responsible for tracking Osama bin Laden from 1996, Michael Scheuer, says bin Laden does not hate US freedom, liberty, or its society. He hates legitimately enough US foreign policies. He is not alone in that, many if not most others loathe US foreign policies, who include, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and so on.
yes i fully believe it's US nasty policies that make people resort to terrorism
ReplyDeleteWithout human interpretation of the past texts, there is no way to live these religions. The brand of sharia we have today is HUMAN creation. So, the argument is WE can re-interpret it today. These people are not 'embarrassed modern muftis re-interpret the Koran and the Sunnah to mislead useful idiots in the West'.(By the way that is a fallacy of irrelevance, you've started talking about fallacies). Mr Na'im is proud of his Islamic belief, and declares it in unequivocal terms. (See his Future of Sharia.)
ReplyDeleteAgain, if you didn't get it, my point about the US foreign policies is to sharply blame terrorism on its foreign policies (rather than Muslim holy texts), in accordance with expert views. AGAIN see the quoted people for this.
Mr Cotton, before I rest, I want to make a further important clarification. I'm not justifying terrorism here. It's as much deplorable as US policies toward the Middle East (and many other countries). But my points are: 1) from cause-effect consideration, US policies breed terrorism, not holy Muslim texts; 2)the Islamist 'justification' is just a way of their interpretation (which, it appears, you think is right) of the holy texts. Many Muslim scholars concede the holy texts can fully conform to UDHR.
ReplyDelete"Many Muslim scholars concede the holy texts can fully conform to UDHR."
ReplyDeleteI believe the Ladybird texts of Peter & Jane fully conform to UDHR.
What a load of nonsense, anonymous. There was no US or US policies 1400 or even much less years ago. Yet we've been having Islamic violence across Africa, Europe, Asia and Planet Pluto for the last 1400 years.
Your point about Ladybird is a funny way to distract the point, but does not prove anything. I ask you to read a book like Toward an Islamic Reformation by An'Naim, and tell me what do you think about the Ladybird book.
ReplyDeleteNo there was no US or US policies 1400 years ago. But it does not again prove anything about what is happening now; there is not necessarily any logical connection between what happened 1400 years ago and what is happening now. You need an independent argument to prove anything about what is happening now. What is happening now is due largely to US policies, whatever the reasons might be for what happened then.
anonymous: I'll stick with the Ladybird book. "An'Naim" sounds frightening. Almost like a call to Terrorism. To end with, I don't think the point that Muslims are bestially violent requires argument. Unlike the gone and the present Ummah, the United States is an exemplar of Peace and Enlightenment. Quite possibly the next stage up in Human Evolution. While Osama and his cult take steps to join monkeys in practice and hairstyle.
ReplyDeleteI am awed by the pitiful failure of Muslim apologists to refute Abu Cotton's condemnations.
ReplyDeletePS. If Osama's madness is caused by US policy why is he calling the American population to convert to Islam? To conclude with an insult, it is clear that Osama gets his demonic inspiration from suckling on Zawahiri's male organ.
I made the claim that the US foreign policy toward Middle Eastern countries (and many other countries) are deplorable. Not a general comment about US society.
ReplyDelete"PS. If Osama's madness is caused by US policy why is he calling the American population to convert to Islam?" This has no relevance again to the possible reasons why fundamentalist Islamists are inflammed. The are mutually exclusive. Osama can call Bush to embrace Islam, and yet be angered by his foreign policies.
anonymous: Let me draw an argument on more precise reasoning. If Osama is driven crazy by US foreign policy why isn't he the US Secretary of State?
ReplyDeleteYou tell me.
ReplyDeleteThat is not an argument, let alone be well reasoned.
ReplyDeleteUS Foreign Policy rules the world and if Muslims are made jealous by that to the extent they want to kill themselves in extremely novel ways so be it. We will not let wife-beating, clitoris-hacking beasts dictate our lives.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right US foreign policy rules the world, and possibly you are in a country which has a US ass-licking government. Suicide bombings and plane hijackings and kidnappings are nothing new to the world, boy, nor were they only used by Islamists. No, nor will we want to allow wife-beating and clitoris-hacking beasts dictate our lives. But neither do we want to allow the US' atrocious policies dictate the world.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless America! We in Maldives are privileged to be so close to an American military facility located in the British Indian Ocean Territory. I hope the facility is expanded to safeguard the propagation of democracy and freedom of choice in the region and for the defence of decent nations such as Israel.
ReplyDeleteI have just read the following web page. I recommend it to visitors to this blog. Arabisation of Maldive Culture
Israel does not need any defence by the expansion of any military facility. Its military capability is unmatched by any Arab or Middle Eastern power. As for the decency of Israeli state, you might want to make a study on its history. Decency is not merely a matter of domestic policies: consider their atrocities against Palestinians and their unlawful occupation of Arab lands in violation of International law.
ReplyDeletePray for the Peace of Jerusalem -Psalm 122:6a
ReplyDeleteYes good. Pray.
ReplyDeleteanonymous: Israel is the only civilized (and democratic) state in the Middle East. The rest of the countries around it are lessons in barbarism. Let's hope the United States and its glorious partner Israel can conquer the region and utilize and distribute the region's resources properly. God had blessed the People of Israel with Oil and the arab countries are stealing it. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran lies on Israeli land.
ReplyDeleteI pray that God grants the blessed and gracious people of Israel the will to survive the bestiality and terror practised by the occupiers of Israeli land (Palestinians and their terrorist friends)
Let us hope that soon our Israeli friends are able to liberate Yetrib which the occupation forces have renamed Medina. Today Jerusalem! Tomorrow Yetrib!
ReplyDeleteHowever civilized and democratic Israel is under your measure, you cannot hide its unlawful activities which range from occupation violating international law to the construction of a barrier in the West Bank violating international law. If civilization has an aspect of respecting international law, Israel grossly fails in that. The same is true of the US, whose unlawful activities recently range from the invasion of Iraq to its inhuman treatment of prisoners. These facts are not automatically nullified by any extent of barbarism in other countries.
ReplyDeleteanonymous: You're so jealous of Israeli and American progress. Perhaps the only thing you can do about it is whine about International Law, Human Rights or really do something like kill yourself in the fashion of a true Terrorist beast. Sad really.
ReplyDeleteanonymous: Your idea is to impose Dhimmitude on the civilized world. Human Rights and International Law for the US and Israel, while you cut clitorii and kidnap/tortute and kill peaceful foreigners to dominate the world in your evil conspiracy to return the World to the Shit-age caliphate. Not going to go that way. Our brothers in US, Mr. Bush and his Family, and the blessed Prime Minister of The Free and Divine State of Israel, Mr. Olmert, they will simply not let this happen. Stars and Stripes Forever. Death to the Terrorist Sword.
ReplyDeleteFree Yethrib!!!
ReplyDeleteHowever much jealous am I, and however great the violations of human rights do Muslim countries commit, these things do not cancel US' and Israeli atrocities. A wrong, however bad it is, in one country does not automatically nullify another wrong in another country.
How do you know my idea? Have I ever spelled out my idea here? If anything you should have noticed that I'm against Islamist thoughts.
But no, I do not support the US and Israel in their criminal acts. They have committed perhaps far greater evils than Osama has so far, especially as self-declared champions of human rights.
anonymous: HAHAHAHA you're so right
ReplyDeleteanonymous: HAHAHAHA you're so right
ReplyDeleteThere you go.
ReplyDelete"What does moderate Muslim mean? Islam is a cult of death. It is intolerant, violent and fanatical. Muhammad was a terrorist. How can one be moderate and follow a terrorist?
ReplyDelete"“Moderate Muslim”, is oxymoron. Moderate Muslim is one who does not follow his religion properly. He is a wishy-washy Muslim. To make Muslims moderate you have to ask them not to follow their religion fully. But this is not realistic. Can we tell a person that your religion is good but please don’t practice it? If Islam is good why should people not practice it? And if it is bad why should we not denounce it? Moderate Muslim makes as much sense as "moderate Nazi".
"Jesus said truth will set you free. What is hurting us are lies. We do not approve what Islam teaches. We don’t like its violence, its intolerance and terror and at the same time we give lip service to it and give it the status of a word religion. We respect its terrorist pedophile founder and his book of terror. We are living a lie. This is hypocrisy.
"Islam is what Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists practice. The terrorists are following the footsteps of Muhammad. They are not doing anything that Muhammad did not do. If we accept Islam, we must also accept terrorism. Jihad is a duty of every Muslim. It is inseparable from Islam."
Click to read full article
There is no single claim there which is true. Not one.
ReplyDelete"What does moderate Muslim mean? Islam is a religion for life. It is tolerant, non-violent and moderate. Muhammad was a saviour. How can one be saviour and be a terrorist?
ReplyDelete"“Terrorist Muslim”, is oxymoron. Terrorist Muslim is one who does not follow his religion properly. He is a wishy-washy Muslim. To make Muslims terrorists you have to ask them not to follow their religion fully. But this is not realistic. Can we tell a person that your religion is good but please don’t practice it? As Islam is good why should people not practice it? And if it is bad why should we not denounce it? Terrorist Muslim makes as much sense as "moderate Nazi".
"Jesus said truth will set you free. What is hurting us are lies. We do approve what Islam teaches. We don’t like violence, intolerance and terror. We don't respect terrorist pedophile founders and their books of terror. We are living lies of the terrorists and the US. This is hypocrisy.
"Islam is not what Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists practice. The terrorists are not following the footsteps of Muhammad. They are not doing anything that Muhammad did do. If we accept Islam, we must not accept terrorism. Jihad is a duty of every Muslim under certain conditions. It is inseparable from Islam under certain conditions."
According to the political scientist RJ Rummel's democide statistics, roughly the murders by European countries in the 20th century alone are some 20 times greater than those by countries with a Muslim majority. America alone is only 3 times behind all these Muslim majorty countries. Perhaps, all these are 'cultures of death'.
ReplyDeletea related link
When you say "There is no single claim there which is true. Not one", what is your evidence? Let us read it blow by blow.
ReplyDeleteNot very original, anonymous! Not original at all!
Are those statistics meant to absolve Mohamed of his crimes?
The burden of proof I think lies on your shoulders. It is up to you to first back up all the claims with evidence. My remark that none of those claims is true is obviously to make you aware of that. I can reply to what you write here. So you can even cut and paste the evidence here. If you provide evidence, I will of course accept your claims. (If your intent solely was to forward a link, I rescind my claim, and I probably should reply to the author of the article.)
ReplyDeleteAnd unfortunately there are too many 'anonymous' people here, not all of them me.
As for the figures, no they were not meant to absolve any alleged crimes by Mohammed (that obviously cannot happen as I have been saying here against you on your remarks about the US/Israel vs. Muslim countries.) But such figures do let us understand that East or West, Muslims or Christians, all have committed murders, among other things, in the name of ideologies and dogmas. But this might not warrant stereotyping a whole group of people or even a whole belief system, which is fallacious. That is why the ironic remark, “Perhaps, all these are 'cultures of death'”, which is perhaps acceptable under your standardisation.
You wrote: "If your intent solely was to forward a link, I rescind my claim, and I probably should reply to the author of the article". Go on then and rise up to Ali Sina's challenge. Here is the link: www.news.faithfreedom.org. I await with interest to read the debate between both of you, or are you going to chicken out?
ReplyDeleteLet us see you defend your murderous pedophile prophet.
That is an interesting challenge. One HUGE challenge I must say. On preliminary reading of the challenge, what I have noticed is that since those are accusations or allegations, as the author contends, it would be immensely difficult for me to reply to them.
ReplyDeleteIt would have been better if each allegation had accompanied evidence and proof. Perhaps there are attempted proofs or evidence somewhere in that website. But let me make it clear, I am not an expert on Islamic history and teachings. So, as the author says I will first have to read the articles in the website, and further have to do research myself, which I must say is not an easy task for me. But thank you. I will read them.
Good. I shall wait for you to do your research and rise up to the challenge. Mind you, other chickens have wriggled out of it, like you, pleading the same excuse.
ReplyDeleteNo. So far my readings show he has many 'pseudo' philosophies. He commits grave blunders that I think even a good student of elementary logic would not commit. I will try to compile up all of them throughout my reading of his articles.
ReplyDeleteanonymous: congratulations on making Mr. Ali Sina homeless with your 'pseudo' logic and Islamo-bullshit.
ReplyDeleteanonymous: i have compiled a huge pile of camel shit for you to consume and logically rave over. please rise up to the challenge, used condom worshipping idiot. Mohameddan goat.
ReplyDeleteOh these people are showing the true colours of them. These people against Islam, citing some alleged problems with it, do not desire to respond intelligently. They say when a person cannot respond intelligently they use irrelevant fallacious techniques.
ReplyDeleteMr Sina does have many philosophically problematic remarks. I'm saying this because he declares he would not accept anything which is against reason. I must say as far as reason goes I have lost interest in his writings.
anonymous: I suppose responding "intelligently" would be by burning something, shooting, stabbing or beheading someone. When you couldn't do any of that, you lost interest. Very muslim.
ReplyDeleteYes, those awful US policies. Who does the US think they are to prevent the destruction of Israel and to liberate Kuwait!! Damn those filthy Americans!
ReplyDeletefuck you bastard,,....you motherfucker what do you think you are and who the fuck you are relating to ..... what the fuck you mean to ... you can't deny that allah is the one and only god and mohammed is the messenger of god.... you can go on and fuck with your mother and your sister as well... you motherfuckers must now find a way to get an easy death.. coz allah with his mightiest powers will show you what you have done..... you may start to masturbate and upyours... you motherfuckers are bloody idiots who would want to fuck your own ass with your dick if any..... bloody fuckers you can put your mothers and sisters on showcase for sale..... you will know that islam is the only religion that has its direct relation with a mighty god and all others are fucking made up religions you motherfuckers have made.....FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU.....
ReplyDelete"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level."
ReplyDeleteMichael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, p. 33.
"At Muhammad's own death an attempt was made to deify him, but the man who was to become his administrative successor killed the hysteria with one of the noblest speeches in religious history: 'If there are any among you who worshipped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is God you worshipped, He lives forever."
ReplyDeleteJames A. Michener, "Islam: The Misunderstood Religion," in READER'S DIGEST (American edition), May 1955, pp. 68-70.
"His readiness to undergo persecutions for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement - all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad."
ReplyDeleteW. Montgomery Watt, MOHAMMAD AT MECCA, Oxford, 1953, p. 52.
"It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher."
ReplyDeleteAnnie Besant, THE LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD, Madras, 1932, p. 4.
"He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports."
ReplyDeleteBosworth Smith, MOHAMMAD AND MOHAMMADANISM, London, 1874, p. 92.
"It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder, the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Mecca and Medina is preserved, after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran. . . The Mahometans have uniformly withstood the temptation of reducing the object of their faith an devotion to a level with the senses and imagination of man. 'I believe in One God and Mahomet the Apostle of God,' is the simple and invariable profession of Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honours of the prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtue, and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion."
ReplyDeleteEdward Gibbon and Simon Ocklay, HISTORY OF THE SARACEN EMPIRE, London, 1870, p. 54.
"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"
ReplyDeleteLamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277.
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