If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. - George Orwell
hahaha...Himandhoo women protesting because Katheeb secretly reads Dhivehistan Report?
anonymous, This maybe be Hulhudeli island girls dhandi jehun. A cultural dance.
Maldives Olympic Womens Pole-Vault Team?
Fua mulak annual crow extermination day?
Samurai ???????
ބޮޑު މާލި އަރާނޭކުދީންގެ ތުން ކާނޭއަލަފަތު ފެން ބޯނޭކަޑަލަ ފަތު ނިދާނޭ
ބޮޑު ބުޅަލާ ނައުދޭމިގޭ ދޮށަށް ނައުދޭމިގެޔަކު ނެތް ރޯކުއްޖެއްއެގޭ ދޮށަށް ދައުނދޭ
ReplyDeleteHimandhoo women protesting because Katheeb secretly reads Dhivehistan Report?
ReplyDeleteThis maybe be Hulhudeli island girls dhandi jehun. A cultural dance.
Maldives Olympic Womens Pole-Vault Team?
ReplyDeleteFua mulak annual crow extermination day?
ReplyDeleteSamurai ???????
ReplyDeleteބޮޑު މާލި އަރާނޭ
ReplyDeleteކުދީންގެ ތުން ކާނޭ
އަލަފަތު ފެން ބޯނޭ
ކަޑަލަ ފަތު ނިދާނޭ
ބޮޑު ބުޅަލާ ނައުދޭ
ReplyDeleteމިގޭ ދޮށަށް ނައުދޭ
މިގެޔަކު ނެތް ރޯކުއްޖެއް
އެގޭ ދޮށަށް ދައުނދޭ