Saturday, August 23, 2008

Does Islam allow Muslim Men to Cheat Kafir Women?

A recent Saudi Islamic fatwa (permit) says: Saudis who study out of Saudi Arabia like America have the Islamic permit to married a western girl by intending to leave her after a short time for just intercourse and when he will come back to Saudi he must divorce her and all that without telling her the truth at all.
They mean that a Saudi student, who study abroad, can lie to a kafir girl that he loves her and want to marry her in order to have sexual relation with her. But when he has finished his studies, he must divorce her before he coming back to Saudi Arabia.

Islam teaches lying and cheating on others especially on non-Muslims. I was Muslim from Saudi Arabia. I know well how bad and liar Muslims are. Innocent non-Muslim girls must be saved from the deceptive traps of Muslims, especially from Saudi ones. -
From Islam Watch

Here are the web sites

الشيخ ابن باز يبيح الزواج بنية الطلاق (فتو

سائل يسأل الشيخ :النكاح بنية الطلاقس 4: سمعت لك فتوى على أحد الأشرطة بجواز الزواج في بلاد الغربة، وهو ينوي تركها بعد فترة معينة، لحين انتهاء الدورة أو الابتعاث. فما هو الفرق بين هذا الزواج وزواج المتعة، وماذا لو أنجبت زوجته طفلة، هل يتركها في بلاد الغربة مع أمها المطلقة أرجو الإيضاح؟
ج 4: نعم لقد صدر فتوى من اللجنة الدائمة وأنا رئيسها بجواز النكاح بنية الطلاق إذا كان ذلك بين العبد وبين ربه، إذا تزوج في بلاد غربة ونيته أنه متى انتهى من دراسته أو من كونه موظفا وما أشبه ذلك أن يطلق فلا بأس بهذا عند جمهور العلماء، وهذه النية تكون بينه وبين الله سبحانه، وليست شرطا. والفرق بينه وبين المتعة: أن نكاح المتعة يكون فيه شرط مدة معلومة كشهر أو شهرين أو سنة أو سنتين ونحو ذلك، فإذا انقضت المدة المذكورة انفسخ النكاح، هذا هو نكاح المتعة الباطل، أما كونه تزوجها على سنة الله ورسوله ولكن في قلبه أنه متى انتهى من البلد سوف يطلقها، فهذا لا يضره وهذه النية قد تتغير وليست معلومة وليست شرطا بل هي بينه وبين الله فلا يضره ذلك، وهذا من أسباب عفته عن الزنى والفواحش، وهذا قول جمهور أهل العلم، حكاه عنهم صاحب المغني موفق الدين ابن قدامة رحمه الله. المصدر: فتاوى ومقالات منوعة للشيخ عبدالعزيز بن باز جمع وترتيب :محمد سعد الشويعر


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    your bashing of religion and disrespect towards religion and followers, is just as stupid and silly as religion itself. let me drag out a cliche quote here. you and the religion you hate so much are "two sides" of the same idiotic coin. bleh.

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Great news for Maldivian students abroad. Screw those Aussie and UK bitches and dump them when its time to come home

  3. Anonymous8:04 AM

    she is obsessed...

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The fathwa is naturally embarrassing for you, Anonymous. It is, however, an authentic fathwa, as you can see (if you can read and comprehend it) in the web sites. When a non-Muslim quotes this fathwa you are accusing him of bashing your violent cult. Obviously the truth hurts.

  5. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Mohamed cheated his wife Hafsa bint Umaru by screwing her slave girl Maria the Copt, right on Hafsa's bed. Maria was a Christian. So the screwing of kuffar women with impunity has its origin in the pedophile founder of this death cult.

  6. Anonymous9:44 AM

    come on..come on..Non Muslims talking about authentic hadiths..If you dont believe in Quran and hadith where does the question of authentic sense..there are plenty of non Muslims, but not as foolish as you i spose

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    yeah..this is a weird blog....what is it you guys are trying to prove? That Islam is not the truth or as you try to portray even if Islam is evil its the truth? Can you be more specific

  8. Anonymous10:36 AM

    ya if you go on like this, its likely the non Muslims will convert back to Islam, you wouldnt want that right? LOL

  9. Anonymous11:09 AM

    come on..some one give her a noble prize...for trying to guide millions of people, by showing proof and logic....

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    hey, Ive got a better idea..Why dont you join Salman Rushdhie..LOL

    Did any one hear what happened to him? His body guard published a book about his evils, who is a non Muslim..and he went to court saying he has attcked him personally, he totally forgot that what he attacked on his satanic verses..doesnt any one notice he looks like a devil..may be the author of this blog is female version of Salman Rushdhie...

  11. Anonymous11:12 AM

    aan now I remember, some one mentiones she is a bipolar,, it figures guys, isnt it?

  12. Anonymous6:11 PM

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  13. Anonymous6:15 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Anonymous6:22 PM

    People who update mvblogsphere should stop giving updates of this sick blog.....

  15. Anonymous who said
    "this is a weird blog....what is it you guys are trying to prove?"

    We are not trying to prove anything. We just post news and commentary.

  16. BTW if you are offended or ashamed of a news article about the actions of some Muslims or a hadith that is posted here, you should take the matter to your Imam instead of calling for the censorship of this blog.

  17. Anonymous6:06 AM

    no mv bloggers join hands to stop this blog..female salman rushidhie

  18. Anonymous6:17 AM

    you say you are not trying to prove anything, but in one of your previous comments you have said " it is not a coincidence, that criminals in this blog happens to be Muslims...blah blah." Hence it is clear that this blog is being run by mentally sick people..who cares whether you are non Muslims, but why should you list in mvbloggers..these a non Muslim, and open a blog about christianity, no one gives a damn...

  19. Anonymous6:19 AM

    for you to list all negative comments and for you to agree in your ownwords that you are who a commentor claims proves you are a saiko

  20. this reminds me of the "Princess", a book about a saudi girl...

  21. Anonymous9:13 PM

    fuck you bitch we muslims dont do that to prove this to you noun of us saudi marry yaung we get married at 22 and obove. there is no father would give his doughter to a child , and this fatwah is absord , we donnt have a rule like this and if you where muslim then you are an ediot, i respect anyone who keeps his own issues to there selves . and sticking it on others or in things like what you did hour
