Now many Muslims around the world are offended and angry again. Muslim religious leaders are lashing out because Pope Benedict XVI in an academic lecture about the compatibility of faith and reason quoted the 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologos.

What did this 14th-century Emperor say?

What did this 14th-century Emperor say?
In a dialogue with a Persian scholar, Manuel II questioned the teachings of Islam's prophet, Muhammad. He declared "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
The earliest surviving Maldivian government record, etched onto copper in 1194 records that Buddhist monks from the island of Isdhoo in Laamu atoll were taken in triumph to Malé and beheaded by 'the great king Gadanaadeethiya the Prosperous, the uplifter of the noble Lunar Dynasty... defender of the entire hundred thousand islands.' Pursuing a policy of Islamisation, the king 'refrained from killing those infidels who entered the faith of the noble Prophet Muhammad, got them to utter shahaadhath and freed them having performed circumcision on them.'

what is it with u guys? are u really saying allah is wrong?? your thoughts are better than allah's prophets teachings? you really think u are wiser than who created you?? mohamed is allah's last messenger and its obvious that muslims will love him.YES we do not have tape recordings of what he taught us and his ways,and for people like you quran is there, something you cant challenge and from allah. and in it its obvious that mohammed is very special indeed, so seriously.... phewwww..
ReplyDeletevainrooney: oil-rich paedophiles are buying bums off western streets and getting them to act like terrorist muslims. that's all there is to conversion to islam in the west. the rest are idiot migrants from muslim countries fleeing the bad conditions, poor facilities in their countries. and along with islam they bring ignorance and violence to civlized western countries. but reading your comments, i realise you're also an idiot like them. so it's highly unlikely that you will understand what's going on. afterall, you only believe that 1400year old concoction of a book.
ReplyDeleteyou're a stupid monkey. and i will not use my advanced human intelligence to respond to your islam-inspired stupidity. so go fuck the alif, baa.
ReplyDeleteHere is your sword.
Islam was spread by the sword. Even in the Maldives. The story of peaceful conversion to Islam by Maldivians is not true. It is a lie. Maldivians were forced to become muslims.
Can you not read and understand what the Isdhoo loamaafaanu says? It says that those who refused to say the shahaadhat were beheaded.
Muhammad’s actions speaks louder than words.
ReplyDeleteHow about these events in the later years of his life?
Read the Islamic texts.
1) The killing of Abu Afak.
2) The killing of Asma Marwan.
3) Attack upon the Banu Qaynuqa Jews.
4) The killing of Kab Ashraf.
5) The killing of Ibn Sunayna.
6) Attack against the Banu Nadir Jews.
7) The killing of the Shepherd.
8) Massacre of the Qurayza Jews.
9) The torture killing of Kinana.
10) The killing of a slave Wife and Mother.
11) The slaying of an old woman from Fazara.
12) The killing of Abdullah Khatal and his Daughter.
13) The attack upon Tabuk.
anonymous, I checked some islamic history. here is story of a massacre the muslims in medina did:
ReplyDeleteIbn Ishaq describes the killing of the Banu Qurayza men as follows:
"Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of d. al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. As they were being taken out in batches to the apostle they asked Ka`b what he thought would be done with them. He replied, 'Will you never understand? Don't you see that the summoner never stops and those who are taken away do not return? By Allah it is death!' This went on until the apostle made an end of them. Huyayy was brought out wearing a flowered robe in which he had made holes about the size of the finger-tips in every part so that it should not be taken from him as spoil, with his hands bound to his neck by a rope. When he saw the apostle he said, 'By God, I do not blame myself for opposing you, but he who forsakes God will be forsaken.' Then he went to the men and said, 'God's command is right. A book and a decree, and massacre have been written against the Sons of Israel.' Then he sat down and his head was struck off".
The spoils of battle, including the enslaved women and children of the tribe, were divided up among Muhammad's followers, with Muhammad himself receiving a fifth of the value (as khums, to be used for the public good). Some of these were sold soon after to raise funds for jihad.
By Asma
(I dont have a blog so I am writing as Anon. My name is Asma)
After all the internet is open for avery one to post any sort of information so do belive on what information that u have seend
ReplyDeleteyou are saying you do not believe the sahha hadees of Ibn Ishag? If you are a muslim you must believe the hadees
to the author: check ur refrences clearly, wut u think is truth is only just shaytaan's work! I'm afraid u're just wastin ur time with this blog, it aint workin like the way u want it. Go do sumthin better!
ReplyDeleteMay Allah guide u to the straight path.
If a person is incapable of tolerating criticism, including mild criticism, and especially if he perceives criticism where there is none, this is often a sign of this person’s deep psychological insecurity. Rude aggression and wild rage, too, are usually not the normal behaviour of a self-confident person, but rather of someone who knows that he will lose an argument unless he can bully others into silence.
There are at least two main versions of the Koran. The last time I checked the Shia version, there was a surah called Wilayeh. Your Sunni version comes minus that surah. What about the ayah on rajam (stoning to death? According to Aisha (Pedophile Mohamed's child wife) the parchment on which that ayah was written was eaten by a goat. Othman called in all versions of the Koran that contradicted his and burnt them. If there is only one (well two, perhaps three) versions of the Koran left today it is due to censorship. That is nothing to be proud of.
ReplyDeletenah... u can't prove that claim...
ReplyDeletei'm saying things with proof :-D
u see, another reason there cant be two versions is that there are thousands of ppl know the quran by heart (unlike the few dozens of ppl who know the bible by heart).. so if there's a change even in one 'fili', it is known easily...
ppl in israel n other western countries have tried creating wrong versions on quran... but each time they fail n they have to shove their new versions up their asses....
thats the truth... digest it...
do u really thing there can be any censorship in this modern world? :-) so what ur saying is not even possible theoratically....
ReplyDeletepis.. pis.. mi meehunnah huri hithaamaeiyge bodukamaa... ARABI GUITAR tha noony A RABI GUITAR tha?
ReplyDeletepsychology is an invitation to flee from heaven, its evaluation had made lots of maldivians into getting muruthadhdhu.
vainrooney: stop commenting and do something productive, like sending a mail to tam about these bums and their ignorant website.
maybe IDP ca do something... i have bought this blog to the attention of a lot of ppl...
ReplyDeletei'm doing all i can myself to defy these ppl..
i even emailed asking them to remove this site from their blog list... but they also havn't done anything... what will TAM do?
ReplyDeleteperhaps you should read the disclaimer of at the bottom.
ReplyDeletei guess disclaimers are more important than ur faith...
ReplyDeleteFor the proof you only have to look up the Shia Koran. It has the Surah al-Wilayah. Your Koran does not have that surah. You must also read the Sahih Hadith in Bukhari, Muslim, ibn Maja. Abu Dawood and so on to find out how Othman edited the Koran and how Aisha's goat ate the ayah on rajam. Make yourself familiar with your holy texts! You will be surprised at what you will discover.
ReplyDeleteWhy do we have to look for those, you are the one making these claims so you have to present those evidence!
ReplyDeleteYou can crticise all you want but don't complain when we defend our religion.
I can't believe is still listing this blog, inshallah they will remove it.
We have to get every Maldivian's attention to this blog so that these people do not catch them in their traps
May Allah guide these people to the straight path.